Maps of Enford
Click on this link to read the latest from Wiltshire Police regarding frauds and scams! here

Enford Church Electoral Roll - If you would like to be added to the Electoral Roll contact Lyn Riche at lashy52@gmail.com or 01980 670489.

Interested in different walks in Wiltshire? Click on this link to read more! here

Village Hall Online Booking - Provisional bookings for hire of Enford Village Hall can now be done on line. To make a booking, visit the bookings diary here

The latest Village Hall Annual and AGM Meeting Minutes are available. - Follow the links in Parish Archive/Documents.

Victim Support - Have you been affected by crime? See the Poster here

Enford Church - Find the PCC minutes and other church information here.

Enford Emergency Plan - Read the Flood and Snow Emergency Plan for Enford here.

Defibrillator - Read instructions for using the village defibrillator here.

Need A Lift? - Do you need a lift to come to events or clubs in the Village Hall? If you don't have transport or are worried about coming on your own, please call 01980 670501 or email enfordvillagehall@btinternet.com and we will try and arrange for someone to pick you up and take you home.
On This Page
It is intended to develop the map below as series of links to places of interest. For example, you could have a link to a blog about your street, or to a few photos of your favourite walk, or even perhaps to a poem about a special place. If you want to contribute something, email by clicking here.
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Coming Up
Visit the Enford calendar, or read the latest newsletter, for details of all forthcoming events. Click the images below to see what's on in the Village Hall:

Film Night - Tue 28 Jan - A Good Year! starring Russell Crowe, Abbie Cornish and Albert Finney

Trailer for next film

AVCC Quiz Night, Sat 1 Mar, 6:30 for 7PM

View Here